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‘science’ Category

  1. Re-evaluating the Gauquelin Data


    June 4, 2018 by ScorpioMoon

    A new section has been added, looking the Gauquelins’ work

  2. Eureka


    November 8, 2013 by NewAlchemyPress

    Eureka! This pioneering work examines the astrology of moments that have changed the course of history. It studies the cosmic …
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  3. Interface, Astronomical Essays for Astronomers


    May 20, 2012 by NewAlchemyPress

    This is a book about reconciliation and coming-together, about a synthesis between astronomy and astrology that could change our world. …
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  4. Farmers’ Moon


    November 1, 2011 by NewAlchemyPress

    * Fully reviews evidence whereby solar-lunar cycles are relevant to agriculture * 230 pages, with many graphs and diagrams. * …
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Current star sign

Virgo: The Virgin
Aug 24 to Sept 23