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Expected and Observed planetary frequencies in the Gauquelin professional groups
The Ertel Enigma
Report by the French Skeptics, 1982-96
The Work of Arno Müller
From the Archives
Synastry Effects in the Gauquelin 'Heredity' Data
Poets and the Moon
Character traits
Database of Character-Traits
Physicians and Sports Champion Data
Where's the Data?
Was It Significant?
A Fourfold Effect
The Shape of the Gauquelin Professional-Data Effect
Astro-Psychological Problems
Françoise and Michel, a Productive Partnership
Re-evaluating The Gauquelin Data
Expected and Observed planetary frequencies in the Gauquelin professional groups
Ertel's Data-set of Sports Champions
Report by the French Skeptics, 1982-96
The Work of Arno Müller
From the Archives
Synastry Effects in the Gauquelin 'Heredity' Data
Poets and the Moon
Character traits
Database of Character-Traits
Physicians and Sports Champion Data
Where's the Data?
Was It Significant?
A Fourfold Effect
The Shape of the Gauquelin Professional-Data Effect
Astro-Psychological Problems
Françoise and Michel, a Productive Partnership