Two databases exist from the French sceptics CFEPP report on sports champions, (The Mars Effect, 1996, Benski), one larger than the other: n=1120 and n=1066), both here available.
4a and 4b The two databases (in .csv format). Ten columns here used are: name of sports champion, year, month, day, hour, minute of birth, place, timezone, latitude and longitude. The smaller data-set was alluded to in the Benski report, while the larger one was discussed by Jan Nienhuys only after its publication, as being more complete, and also error-corrected.
4c Plot of Mars in G-sectors for the 1120 data. Overall there was an excess in the 1st quarter.
4d This pre-1920 data (n=363) showed the classic 'Gauquelin effect'.
4e A 24 hour bar-chart of the data shows the great midnight-hour deficit, which is normal in Gauquelin data-sets.
In the opening words of its first chapter, the French 'Benski Report' presented its categorical-negative conclusion:
"The CFEPP has concluded a study based on more than a thousand athletes in order to assess Michel Gauquelin's "neo-astrological" theory. This study does not support Gauquelin's theory and it shows no evidence of any influence whatsoever of Mars on the birth of athletes."